Paul van Haver

Hi, I am Paul, PvH or Cobbles (due to a close encounter with the cobbles on the top of the Grossglockner), I’m the Chapter Webmaster.
I am enjoying riding my Road Glide and it usually puts a smile on my face no matter the weather. I joined the chapter only a few years ago when I acquired a 2020 Breakout which I have since traded in for my Glide to enjoy the touring we do like the Adriatic loop in 2022 and Budapest 2023 and actually it doesnt do too badly on our monthly rideouts either. ;-)
My job is making sure that the website all works, that the designs look good and that it provides correct and up-to-date information for members and anyone looking to join.
There are areas open to the general public: info about club night, our rally ‘Great Western Rumble’, our charity work and membership info. We also have areas purely for members and areas open to the public.
Redesigning the website in 2022 was good fun and I'd love to continue to evolve it to meet our demands. So if you have any feedback I'd love to hear it!