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Emergency details required

For everybody's safety It is important that we have an emergency contact telephone number and name for all members. This allows us in event of emergency to contact your named individual. This phone number will be made available to the chapter committee and all road captains so that if needed in case of emergency they can act and use it.

In order to add this to your profile please do the following (or click the button at the bottom of this email and go straight there):

- log on to the website with your member account

- click on down arrow next to your initial to go to the members menu and select My Account

You will see a page with all your account details. Now browse down to the contact phone and name field:

Fill in the details and browse to the bottom and click Update Info.

That's all for now. Please do this as soon as you can as we will check at the next ride out if this info was supplied.

As always if you are stuck just ping me an email or a text.

with regards,

Paul van Haver


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